Making Money With a free Blog Can be difficult

Making money with free blog,sounds great isn't it.but making money with a free blog can be difficult.There are thousands of bloggers but very few of them are actually making money with free blog.We all love to make make money online and why not to make extra cash from home isn't a bad thing.but if you have a free blog then this article might help you that why making money with a free blog is difficult?

Ad Space
ADS are the Method to make money money online if you doesn't have the ads how would you make money.
Most free blogging services do not allow you to have many ads on your blog. They may allow something like Adsense or YPN, but ask most bloggers and they will tell you that those aren't the ad networks that pay the bills. You can make pretty good money from adsense, but I wouldn't count on it. The real money is in selling ad space to people wanting their ads on your site, which you can't do on the free sites. There are also multiple affiliate sites that you can promote on your self hostedblog, that you can't even link to on some of the free services. Content is what brings users back to your site, but ads are what pay the bills. Eventually, when you have some experience, you are likely going to want to write your own e-book, or product and you are going to want to sell it. That is not going to be very easy on a free blog. Who is going to want to buy a product from someone who won't even buy their own website? The answer is no one will and you will never make money from all your hard work.

Most of the Blogger love to customize there blogging site.and aim one of them.but many blog site doesn't provide this feature.Making money with an boring looking blog can  be difficult.Hosting your own blog gives you the ability to fully customize everything. You can change the link structure, add a favicon, change your header, add logos and everything else you can think of. Some of the free blogging sites allow for a little customizability, but in the long run, you want to create your own brand that people will recognize you by. You don't want to be the guy/girl using the default blogger theme from google on your blog.

Article Marketing
One of the common ways people build traffic to their blog is article marketing. It is a great way to get your content out there and get people to your site. The problem is, many of the article marketing sites will not accept affiliate links in an article. They also require that you actually own the domain. While there are ways around this, the easiest is going to be just to host your own site.

So you see that making money online with free blog is difficult.Creating a website or hosting your own domain name gives you the power to customize your site any time use as many space of your site for advertisement.Host your own domain Name and start making money online.

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