There are lot of Paid survey site through which you can make money online it's always good to make money with a known paid service rather then the New sites.
Judging Mixreq can be tough but after spending some time on it now it's very easy for me to declare Mixreq another scam.Well folks there are thousands of website like Mixreq which offer money in order to complete there surveys but very few of them actually pay.And trust me Mixreq is not one of them which will pay you to complete there surveys.There are many experts on internet who can easily judge Mixreq and declare it another scam in just few minutes.But why waste there time when we can do this job.
Mixreq has never paid anyone,it's just another scam website,i joined it and still waiting for my money.Internet has really grown and with it;s growth internet scams has also grown.There many websites like mixreq who has cheated with many people but thankfully you don't have to pay in mixreq that's what make people confused whether its scam or not well if you're really new to this site then just leave it because its another internet scam,and will never pay you,whether you earn 500 or 50000 dollars.I have tested this website,and just a bloody scam website.You should try other websites to earn money with paid
surveys.I have give a list of these legitimate paid surveys on my blog,you can check it here is the link of Paid Surveys.As i said earlier that working with new sites is always difficult because you really don't know whether it a scam or not.But Mixreq look can tell you that it a scam,well if you have joined that site so just listen to me and leave it i am saying this again and again to you,so that you doesn't waste your time on that scam site.

surveys.I have give a list of these legitimate paid surveys on my blog,you can check it here is the link of Paid Surveys.As i said earlier that working with new sites is always difficult because you really don't know whether it a scam or not.But Mixreq look can tell you that it a scam,well if you have joined that site so just listen to me and leave it i am saying this again and again to you,so that you doesn't waste your time on that scam site.
Well, the site is new but sure it feels like SCAM.And there are no proofs of the payouts. I think that it is best to take the site more like a relaxing play site and not work on it too serious !
Este site Mix Req. com ë uma farsa. Uma Mentira. Sao ladroes e enganam as pessoas. nao Adiram
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