How to make quick money with quality and quantity

Making money online...

There are many ways to make money online is a great way to make money. Although, it will be a tough road that you will need to be consistent with, whichever way you decide to go. This article is going to focus on making money as an at-home person wanting to make money by writing on sites such as hubpages, triond, make money online with associated content">associated content, blogger, and word press. There are a lot of these sites out there, a lot of people will refer to them as content farms but the successful ones and possibly the ones you will find yourself returning to, are the sites that you participate in the community and enjoy the community.
The community has literally thousands of people with common interests and will give you a start to building an audience. Some of these people may become friends, mentors, editors, and possibly much more ... or less. And so you know, I am only talking about a small possibility of online writing vehicles. There are also freelance sites out there, two of them are oDesk and eLance. But, we will not be looking at these types of sites - I do want people to be aware there are more options to write online than we will be going over.

Both can make money...

There are generally two schools out there when it comes to writing online for money. Those two schools are the quality and quantity schools of writing. Fortunately, for both of these fine, upstanding schools they are both correct. The main issue that needs to be discussed is simply the time and place for quality or quantity to be used. What I am going to discuss is purely my opinion, but it should make sense to you and show that there are times when quantity is actually more important than quality in making money and vice versa. Keep my advice in mind when planning your next writing project or adding on to your writing career. With all that said, let's look at writing in quantity first
Make money writing ... and writing.
I want to make it clear that when I say quantity, I am not talking about pure rubbish that is completely riddled with errors just so you can push material out. I am talking about writing online about opinions, information that you are an expert on, and other articles that will not take hours of research to write. But an article that is going to be shorter and more personal a lot of the time. When I think quantity I am thinking more of a blog. This is an outlet that you don't need to research a topic for hours to write about. It is more personal and easy going, but you will have an audience that is coming on a more regular interval to read what has been added. Generally, these types of writings will take less than an hour to write.
An easy way to remember when you should be writing more quantity than quality is if you writing for a mass of people who will be looking to for updates on you. What you are thinking, advice you are giving, where you have traveled, etc. This is a much more informal setting and most likely only a few hundred words long per post. An example of a piece that would fall under "quantity" would be "Keep track of ideas". A short piece that was written in response to a hub question about running out of ideas for writing.
If you can build a community around a topic and they appreciate you for it - you will make money. But if you only write once a week, then you are being somewhat inefficient with your outlet and should consider other options. Which takes us to writing online for quality over quantity

Take your time writing online

Quality writing is more formal in many cases. This is the type of writing that you are researching and writing. This could be a static website that product knowledge is a must and won't be changing often. If you are writing for a site like hubpages then you can use this for a dual purpose of expanding your writing base as well as making money online. A quality article can be something a silly as "Know your ketchup". This piece was researched and cites those sources. It took time to find the evidence and shows where the information was found - the article also gives credit to the sources. Quality articles are written about a topic that is not going to change, and for some reason if it will change it is not going to be any time soon. A quality article can have a range of length, but most of my quality articles are a 1,000 plus words. Quality writing is often more in-depth than a quantity post.
Two ways to write
There are definitively times to use both of these methods of writing. One of the keys to being successful at making money online from writing it to know what type of writing your audience is looking for. An easy way to distinguish what to use when is to ask yourself if your audience is going to be the same group, although hopefully a growing audience.
If the answer is yes, then you know that keeping in touch with them is important and you will be posting more frequently. If the answer was no, then you are probably having people search for information about something and a variety of people will be coming to read what you have written. In this case, take the time to research and support what you are writing.
Some of you may be saying, "Why can't I do both?" And to answer this, you can. You can write for multiple places or you can do this for the same place. Although it is time consuming, some people can do this. Dedicate yourself to writing online and set a goal of writing two or three articles a day. Your portfolio will be huge at this rate.

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